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Operationalizing DDI for a Unified and Secure Approach to Multi-cloud Networking

While most of the world is now implementing hybrid, multi-cloud infrastructure, operations teams now face a mission-critical mandate to better manage today’s complex multi-cloud environments. In fact, new research by the Enterprise Strategy Group’s survey of 1,000 IT leaders and influencers highlights this reality with 76% of respondents reporting that their teams are under pressure to be more agile to accelerate developer velocity. But how can networking teams support this business imperative given operational, organizational, and cybersecurity challenges?

A converged approach to hybrid, multi-cloud networking leveraging an enterprise-grade DNS, DHCP and IPAM (DDI) platform is foundational to multi-cloud maturity, but there are headwinds with EMA research showing that only 41% of organizations have been successful in their DDI implementation.

This webinar covers both the impediments to DDI success, and best practices employed by more mature organizations by exploring:

  • Cloud Disruption: The networking team implementing DDI tools are too often disconnected from the cloud engineering and DevOps teams to effectively influence the use of DDI in a platform approach.
  • Siloed DDI: The use of separate tools by separate teams to manage separate environments, and the substandard APIs in such solutions results in a lack of integration between the network and business systems, monitoring solutions, and automation tools exacerbating the visibility gap.
  • DDI Security Blindspot: A lack of confidence in DNS security and a lack of focus on securing IPAM and DHCP leaves organizations vulnerable to a range of network-based attacks.
  • The Central Role of Collaboration: Just as DevOps removed organizational and cultural barriers between teams, so too must a collaborative approach be employed to bring DDI implementations to platform and cloud engineering teams.
  • Risk-based Approach: After a successful proof of concept, organizations can greatly reduce their attack surface by prioritizing DDI rollouts to protect their organization’s most critical applications.
  • DDI to Support the Emergence of AI Workload: AI workloads are not only compute and storage intensive, they are networking intensive requiring reliant and performant connectivity to assure the right data is collected and transferred to the right LLM or data lake in support of business requirements.
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