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Zain Jordan Provides a Secure Internet Experience for Subscribers with Infoblox

“In an ever-changing world, Zain Business prepares its subscribers for all that lies ahead as their partners in success. A big advantage in working with Infoblox beyond the technology itself is that they were able to support our communication efforts around the launch, ensuring that Zain subscribers are fully aware of the benefits conveyed by the Infoblox cybersecurity solution.”
— Zain Business Management

The Customer

In 1995, Zain Jordan revolutionized telecommunications in Jordan by introducing GSM services into the country. With its thousand-employee workforce and advanced network infrastructure, Zain provides critical connectivity for businesses and citizens across the kingdom. Growing rapidly and with innovation at its core, Zain quickly became the foremost telecom company in this Middle Eastern nation, a position it maintains by investing in leading technology to provide state-of-the-art services to customers. Today, Zain is regarded as a pillar of the Jordanian economy. The enterprise has been a pioneer in introducing second, third and fourth generation.


Customer: Zain Jordan

Industry: Telecommunication

Location: Aman, Jordan

Initiatives: Securing Internet Service Provisions

Outcomes: Zain subscribers gained protection against data exfiltration and fast-evolving malware threats

LTE home and mobile internet, as well as fiber optic Internet under intensive technological and infrastructural investment plans to deliver unprecedented and seamless connectivity, coverage and value to the nation as whole. Zain has been a loyal and successful Infoblox customer for over a decade.

The Challenge: Delivering Secure Internet Connectivity for Subscribers

The customer originally began working with Infoblox to underpin and secure its core connectivity offerings and drive innovative endeavors such as ZINC. Most recently, the partnership expanded as Zain Business continued to penetrate existing markets and explore new ones to deliver an all-encompassing and holistic total communications solution, positioning itself as entity-driven to deliver the digitized future, today.

Maintaining and extending robust telecommunications services to citizens, businesses and government agencies of Jordan are Zain’s central mission. Thus, the customer looked to implement a dedicated solution that would enable early detection and the sharing of valuable network context with the broader ecosystem to accelerate response.

A More Secure Network and Subscriber Base

Infoblox’s unique hybrid approach enables the customer to detect and prevent threats anywhere on its network and protect its subscribers everywhere. Hybrid security provides the power to leverage the cloud to detect more threats while tightly integrating with the on-premises ecosystem. It also provides resiliency and redundancy not available in cloud-only solutions. With Infoblox, Zain can now centrally and automatically secure devices, applications, virtual machines and switch ports wherever they reside via one common console.

Infoblox’s cybersecurity offering blocks DNS-based data exfiltration and also stops malware communications with command-and-control (C&C) servers. These capabilities enable Zain to protect subscribers from accessing malicious content online. The solution also automatically distributes threat intelligence and indicators of compromise (IoCs) to Zain’s existing security infrastructure, increasing visibility into emerging threats and speeding incident response from the company’s IT security team.

The customer is now able to provide its Internet subscribers with proactive network protection against data exfiltration and fast-evolving, elusive malware threats. These include all threats that exploit DNS to communicate with command-and-control servers and botnets. Specifically, Zain can now protect subscribers from source addresses of DDoS attacks; advanced persistent threats (APTs), botnets, compromised host/domains, exploit kits, malicious name servers and sinkholes; malicious hostname threats; and ransomware destination servers, which encrypt files on end users’ systems and require them to pay a ransom in order to get them decrypted.

Moreover, because Infoblox security cost-effectively deploys on existing Infoblox DNS infrastructure, Zain was able to implement this major technological upgrade without having to charge any additional costs to its subscribers.

Leveraging the Technology That Keeps Zain a Market Leader

The customer representative explains, “A big advantage in working with Infoblox beyond the technology itself is that they were able to support our communication efforts around the launch, ensuring that Zain subscribers are fully aware of the benefits conveyed by the Infoblox cybersecurity solution.”

Zain has successfully built out its Infoblox cybersecurity solution on its existing core DDI infrastructure. As a result, the customer now benefits from an integrated solution suite that provides hybrid security for all network environments. Pervasive, scalable and cloud-managed, the solution suite protects users and devices anywhere, on any network—across physical, virtual or cloud infrastructure.

Zain management concludes, “We look forward to solidifying and evolving our partnership over time to keep Zain at the forefront in delivering security connectivity to our subscribers in Jordan and across the region.”

For More Information

Learn more about how you can proactively detect malware and protect your users and data via DNS. Speak with an Infoblox representative or start your free trial of our BloxOne Threat Defense technology today. Join the conversation on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

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