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Aflac Enhances Cyber Threat Intelligence and Integrates Security Ecosystem with Infoblox

“We needed to integrate our diverse portfolio of cybersecurity tools and applications for better threat intelligence and reporting in real time. Infoblox runs on the architecture I already have, allowing my team to automatically provide aggregated threat data to the rest of the security ecosystem for investigation and remediation if necessary.”
— Scott Wilson, Senior Security Administrator, Aflac

The Customer

Aflac (American Family Life Assurance Company) is the leading provider of supplemental insurance in the United States. Founded in 1955, this Fortune 500 Company provides financial protection to more than 50 million people worldwide. Aflac has been a loyal and successful Infoblox customer since 2006.

Aflac’s forward-thinking and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity has garnered it a host of awards and recognitions in recent years. Scott Wilson, industry expert and Senior Security Administrator at Aflac, and his team are tasked with collaboratively enhancing the company’s cybersecurity strategy and ensuring global network availability to scale.


Customer: Aflac (American Family Life Assurance Company)

Industry: Financial Services Insurance

Initiatives: Enable corporate cloud-first initiative, Enhance Threat Intelligence and Reporting capabilities, Integrate cybersecurity ecosystem

Outcomes: Enhanced threat intelligence and reporting, Optimized security ecosystem integration

The Challenge

Aflac recently identified migrating to the cloud as a necessary evolutionary step. It needed a solution that would easily scale for corporate growth, ensure coverage for its global workforce and enable centralized network management. This meant that an on-premises solution was no longer an option. Aflac also looked to enhance its threat intelligence and reporting capabilities by integrating its diverse portfolio of cybersecurity tools and applications.

Blocking Malicious Domains Using DNS Firewalls

Aflac understands that traditional network security strategies no longer ensure the fast and secure connections that reduce vulnerabilities and protect remote users and locations. The insurer also knows that DNS is among today’s top threat vectors. Thus, proactively protecting against today’s increasingly dangerous DNS-based threats was an essential pillar to Aflac’s comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

The company is leveraging the DNS Firewall portion of Infoblox’s BloxOne Threat Defense Advanced solution in order to execute its cloud-first initiative and to serve as the first line of defense against malicious threats. Wilson explains, “We are primarily using the DNS Firewall portion for a more reliable content filtering solution with minimal false positives. We are also leveraging DNS Firewalls for DGA, fast flux and NOD look-alike that can only be done at scale in the cloud.”

Enhanced Threat Intelligence and Security Ecosystem Integration

Aflac also looked to optimize the performance of its entire cybersecurity ecosystem and enhance threat intelligence reporting. Wilson says, “We needed to integrate our diverse portfolio of cybersecurity tools and applications for better threat intelligence and reporting in real time. Infoblox runs on the architecture I already have, allowing my team to automatically provide aggregated threat data to the rest of the security ecosystem for investigation and remediation if necessary.”

BloxOne Threat Defense uniquely combines advanced Behavioral Analytics based on machine learning, highly accurate and aggregated threat intelligence and automation to detect and prevent a broad range of threats, including DGA families, data exfiltration, look-alike domain use, fast flux and many others. The solution also leverages extensive API integrations, valuable network context and data enrichment of the entire security ecosystem.

As a result, Aflac is able to be more proactive and offensive in its security posture and reduce threat defense costs.

For More Information

Learn more about how you can proactively detect malware and protect your users and data via DNS. Speak with an Infoblox representative or start your free trial of our BloxOne Threat Defense technology today.

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