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New Infoblox Reporting Engine Helps Prevent Network Outage and Security Risks with “Crystal Ball” Clarity for Essential Network Services

Infoblox Inc. today announced availability of the industry’s first reporting and analysis product for mission-critical IP address management (IPAM) network services. Infoblox Trinzic Reporting provides network usage trends and identifies potential future concerns by gathering and performing analysis of valuable network data that would normally take IT countless hours to collect. This insight helps enable:

  • Prevention of performance surprises through visibility into network usage and growth as it happens.
  • Enhanced security through identification of rogue IP address usage and anomaly tracking.
  • Simplified compliance reporting through built-in extensive historical IP address lease history and other related information.

“Infoblox Trinzic Reporting is like a crystal ball for your network–it takes the guesswork out of deciphering current network usage and performance trends, enabling IT teams to easily optimize their network architectures, accurately forecast for growth and help prevent performance issues and security threats,” says Kevin Dickson, Infoblox Vice President of Product Management.

Extensive Visibility Delivers Insight into Future

Infoblox Trinzic Reporting is the industry’s only commercial IPAM reporting tool that automates the collection, tabulation, correlation and presentation of historical IPAM-related data based on key business parameters. It eliminates the tedious tasks of manually gathering, organizing and performing analysis on data from disparate systems, saving IT enormous administrative hours and delivering actionable network usage and performance information.

From a single console, Infoblox Trinzic Reporting provides extensive visibility through customizable detailed reports and built-in analytics of an enterprise’s or service provider’s IPAM infrastructure performance. This includes critical insight into performance of domain name system (DNS) and dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) services that are essential for 24×7 network uptime.

Trinzic Reporting includes 20 critical reports out-of-the-box with data presented through easily understood graphics for quick action. The platform also offers flexible filtering and data segmentation by date, location and numerous unique IPAM parameters, as well as customization for specific customer reporting requirements.

Trinzic Reporting also integrates with the Infoblox Grid™ technology, which links a collection of Infoblox appliances together for management, resilience and control advantages, enabling administrators to access both the historical and real-time reports using a common Infoblox user interface.


Infoblox Trinzic Reporting is now available in both virtual and physical appliance form factors. There are five platform options delivering different data, memory and Infoblox Grid variables. Pricing starts at $9,995 in the U.S and $11,995 in EMEA and Asia Pacific on the TR-V800-1G, which supports up to approximately 200 days worth of historical data.

About Infoblox

Infoblox is a global leader in automated IT network control solutions. The Company’s purpose-built physical and virtual appliance platforms combine real-time IP address management (IPAM) with network control, configuration and change capabilities. The solutions help Infoblox’s more than 5,000 end customers achieve more dynamic and reliable networks, efficient operations and increased value from their virtualization and cloud computing initiatives. Headquarters are in Santa Clara, Calif. with additional operations in 30 countries.

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