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Infoblox Customers Protected Against Recent DNS Vulnerability

Automated Restart Feature Rapidly Restores DNS Service; Patch Also Now Available with Unique Mechanism to Promptly Apply Enterprise-Wide

Infoblox Inc. today announced availability of a patch for the Infoblox NIOS™ operating system addressing the newest BIND vulnerability (CVE-2011-4313) publicized by the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC).

According to ISC’s announcement, CVE-2011-4313 is classified as a severe defect in all currently supported release versions of ISC BIND 9. The vulnerability can cause DNS server crashes resulting in interrupted DNS service on BIND 9 name servers performing recursive queries. Because of the automated restart feature in the Infoblox system, Infoblox customers are expected to experience minimal DNS service interruptions in the event their DNS systems crash as a result of the vulnerability. All enterprises are encouraged to apply the patch immediately.

Infoblox customers using the company’s unique Grid technology linking Infoblox appliances together can deploy the new patch or upgrade software versions in a matter of minutes across their linked network with a single click, while experiencing minimal interruption in service.

Alternative DNS solutions—such as general-purpose servers and operating systems with BIND software—typically do not adequately protect against DNS service outages caused by DNS server crashes and generally require significantly more technical resources and time to apply patches to individual servers throughout an organization’s network. Depending on the DNS infrastructure, upgrades to alternative solutions can take days or weeks, leaving a network vulnerable.

The patch for Infoblox systems is available to Infoblox customers with active maintenance contracts on the Infoblox Support site.

For more information about Infoblox DNS and IP Address Management solutions, visit:

About Infoblox

Infoblox is a global leader in automated IT network control solutions. The Company’s purpose-built physical and virtual appliance platforms combine real-time IP address management (IPAM) with network control, configuration and change capabilities. The solutions help Infoblox’s more than 5,000 end customers achieve more dynamic and reliable networks, efficient operations and increased value from their virtualization and cloud computing initiatives. Headquarters are in Santa Clara, Calif. with additional operations in 30 countries.

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