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Dutch Municipality Relies on Infoblox Network Infrastructure Solutions To Successfully Enable IPv6

Infoblox Inc. announced today that the Dutch Municipality, Den Haag, the third largest Municipality of the Netherlands, is using Infoblox IPv6-ready network infrastructure solutions to successfully enable its IPv6 adoption.

Many local and public governments are being pressed to meet citizen demand for online services via their e-Government initiatives; to do so, they require support of both IPv4 and IPv6 network connectivity. Den Haag is the first local government in the Netherlands to utilize IPv6 for internet connectivity and ready to serve constituents via IPv6 or IPv4 to reach their services.

“Citizen-demand and government policy are key drivers for us adopting IPv6. We are particularly proud that the project completion coincided with World IPv6 Day. Everyone is talking about moving to IPv6, but we have achieved it, thanks to our partners Getronics, SecureLink and DNS solution provider Infoblox. Being one of the first organizations leading the way with a fully operational IPv6 network makes us very proud,” said Glenn Lutke Schipholt, Infrastructure Manager, Municipality Den Haag.

World IPv6 Day certainly raised the profile of IPv6 in the minds of senior management. IPv6 is the foundation of the next generation internet. Although internal networks can run on IPv4 for many years, the transition to IPv6 is inevitable and will be driven by the ever increasing demand for digitalization and the ability to have business continuity over the internet with all customers, all over the world, from every kind of IP-enabled device.

Infoblox Automation Eases Transition to IPv6

Infoblox solutions provide the automation, visibility, intelligence and management needed for a successful IPv6 transition.

“The transition to IPv6 is challenging, but performed through proper planning and tools with built-in automation, it can be achieved successfully while mitigating any risks. We deployed the ‘best of breed’ Infoblox solution. With their intuitive interface and advanced IPv6 functionality, Infoblox’s market leading, IPv6-ready solution enabled us to have a real /32 public subnet available and be fully operational. In addition, the Infoblox system enabled IPv6 connectivity for our in-house public Wifi service,” concluded Lutke Schipholt.

Peter Mesker, Technical Director at SecureLink, commented: “It is relatively easy to set up IPv6 with the Infoblox solution. The records are automatically assigned and the realization of a dual-stack infrastructure is very orderly and simple to manage. Infoblox is a relief in comparison to all the steps you have to take in other systems.”

Critical Infoblox IPv6 capabilities include AAAA records for DNS resolution, dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 IP address management from a single interface, task delegation and automation for complex addressing tasks, IP discovery and network inventory for IPv6 address planning, automated IPv6 network change and configuration management to ensure the IPv6 network is secure and compliant.

For more information about Infoblox IPv6-ready products, visit:

About Municipality Den Haag

Den Haag or’s-Gravenhage, which has 496,745 citizens (1 April 2011, source: CBS), is the third largest Municipality of the Netherlands, the total agglomeration of which counts 1.017.937 citizens. Den Haag is the capital of the province Zuid-Holland. The municipality houses the Dutch government and the parliament, and is the residence of the Royal Family. Although it is not the capital of the Netherlands, the city Den Haag holds a very prominent role. Almost all embassies and ministries are within Den Haag. Its name is tied to national and international law practices, like the ‘Hoge Raad’. Den Haag is the center of international law and peace politics and is an important UN-city similar to New York, Genève and Vienna.

About Infoblox

Infoblox is an industry leading developer of network infrastructure automation and control solutions. Infoblox’s unique technologies, including the Infoblox Grid™—a real-time, data distribution technology—increase network availability and control, while automating time-consuming manual tasks associated with network infrastructure services like domain name resolution (DNS), IP address management (IPAM), network change and configuration management (NCCM) and network discovery, among others. Infoblox IPv6-ready solutions are used by over 4,750 organizations worldwide, including more than one third of the Fortune 500. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and operates in more than 30 countries.

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