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Infoblox Unveils Fully Functional IPv6 Web Presence Accessible Now and Ready for World IPv6 Day

Infoblox Inc., the DNS, DHCP and IPAM (DDI) market leader with the largest installed base of DDI appliances, today announced it has leveraged its own leading, IPv6-ready solutions to enable IPv6 connectivity to its corporate website at

As a result, anyone with IPv6 Internet capabilities can now automatically access Infoblox’s site with their IPv6-enabled devices. And, enterprises embarking on IPv6 enablement initiatives can turn to Infoblox’s leading IPv6-ready solutions confident in their capacity to help ease the complex and arduous dual existence of and transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

Furthermore, Infoblox is ready for IPv6 World Day on June 8, 2011, an IPv6 field trial organized by The Internet Society ( and including a growing number of industry leaders such as Akamai, Cisco, Google, Facebook, Juniper and Yahoo.

Cricket Liu, Infoblox Vice president of Architecture and Technology and DNS and IPv6 expert, commented: “As the premier DNS and IP address management solution provider, Infoblox has pioneered the development of IPv6 ready solutions in anticipation of this transition. We are pleased to see the industry rallying around the IPv6 World Day field trial and to not only participate ourselves, but help many of our customers do so as well.”

Infoblox Offers Keys to Successful IPv6 Transition

The transition to IPv6 is a challenging and risky endeavor; however, if executed through proper planning and leveraging tools with built-in automation, it can be achieved successfully. Infoblox solutions provide the automation, visibility, intelligence and management needed for a successful IPv6 transition.

Critical Infoblox IPv6 capabilities include AAAA records for DNS resolution, dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 IP address management from a single interface, task delegation and automation for complex addressing tasks, IP discovery and network inventory for IPv6 address planning, automated IPv6 network change and configuration management to ensure IPv6 network is secure and compliant, and more.

Additional IPv6 Resources Help Manage Transition

To learn more about IPv6 enablement, mistaken myths and best practices, Infoblox offers the following resources:

For more information about Infoblox IPv6-ready products, visit:

About Infoblox

Infoblox is an industry leading developer of network infrastructure automation and control solutions. Infoblox’s unique technologies, including the Infoblox Grid™—a real-time, data distribution technology—increase network availability and control, while automating time-consuming manual tasks associated with network infrastructure services like domain name resolution (DNS), IP address management (IPAM), network change and configuration management (NCCM) and network discovery, among others. Infoblox solutions are used by over 4,750 organizations worldwide, including more than one third of the Fortune 500. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and operates in more than 30 countries.

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