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Putting Threat Intelligence Labs Under the Microscope

ThreatTalk season 3 episode 14

In previous episodes, we’ve discussed the broad array of threat intelligence (TI) available and how important it is to get the right blend of TI. But where does it all come from? Renee Burton is the Sr. Director of Threat Intelligence for Infoblox and her teams, produce or curate dozens of threat feeds of different types, so we’ve asked her to help us understand the different kinds of labs producing all of these different types of threat intelligence.


Renée Burton, Vice President of Threat Intelligence, Infoblox

Renée has a long history as a researcher and data scientist focused on intelligence analysis. For the past five years, she’s applied that background specifically to the discovery and tracking of threats via DNS. Finding bad actors and understanding their behavior is her favorite way to spend the day.

Bob Hansmann, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Infoblox

Bob Hansmann has been in security for over three decades addressing everything from insider threats to advanced multi-vector, zero-day attacks. Over his career, he has helped many of today’s leading security vendors pioneer and introduce many new technologies as a developer, architect, product manager, and marketer. He currently heads a family with three generations of CTOs, developers, and security analysts, so he sometimes finds it hard to differentiate work from family time.

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