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Infoblox and Amazon Web Services

Enabling the Modern Workplace

Visibility and Insight

Improve visibility and insight with discovery, tracking and reporting of AWS cloud resources

Provisioning and Management

Automate provisioning and centralize management across the entire enterprise to simplify the administration of cloud deployments

Foundational Security

Reduce the risk of DNS-based attacks and exploits with protective DNS services to secure your workloads running on-premises and in the cloud

Achieve comprehensive visibility and seamless control with Infoblox on AWS

Infoblox, an industry leader in simplified network and security solutions, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading provider of cloud services, have combined to deliver innovative solutions that simplify the management and control of networking and security services across hybrid environments. These solutions improve visibility, decrease risk from cyberthreats, reduce provisioning errors and enhance organizational management, agility and scale across distributed enterprise environments.


DNS, DHCP and IPAM designed for AWS

Infoblox DDI for AWS provides the industry-leading platform to ensure agility, consistency, and visibility for AWS workloads—and correlated views with other platforms

Enhance Visibility across AWS and Hybrid Deployments

  • Gain visibility into all cloud environments (tenants, VPCs, Subnets, and VMs) in a single view with vDiscovery + Cloud Network Automation (CNA)
  • Receive a consistent view of AWS and non-AWS network parameters within a single pane of glass when combining AWS with virtualization or cloud deployments

DNS, IPAM Automation and Control of Cloud Resources

  • Reduce the need to spin up general-purpose DNS servers to communicate from on-premises to AWS
  • Integrate the DNS records across multiple platforms within a single platform to improve manageability and consistency
  • Configure tasks to run automatically, tracking all cloud environments and store this data in IPAM
  • Local API survivability and Horizontal Scalability with Cloud Platform Appliances
  • AWS API Proxy feature reduces manual intervention while provisioning / de-provisioning AWS instances

DHCP for On-Premises Clients

  • Provide DHCP service for all on-premises clients
  • Configure as your primary DHCP server or as part of a failover pair with vNIOS DHCP server running on premises
  • Use two vNIOS appliances in AWS for DHCP failover for highly available, fault-tolerant DHCP services

DNS Security designed for AWS

Infoblox BloxOne Threat Defense provides hybrid protective DNS services to secure networks, devices and users from cyberthreats on- and off-premises, including remote locations and home offices

Extend DNS Security to AWS

  • Leverage Infoblox DNS Security and IPAM for AWS records by serving Amazon Route 53 zones through Infoblox DNS
  • Implement Infoblox DNS Security as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the risk of DNS-based attacks and exploits

Protect Public Cloud Workloads

  • Use the benefits of BloxOne Threat Defense to protect AWS workloads against malware, data exfiltration, and other threats
  • Deploy a virtual DDI appliance that supports BloxOne Threat Defense

Infoblox for AWS Cloud Network Firewall

  • Push indicators of compromise (IoCs) to AWS Route 53 DNS Firewall using Infoblox Threat Intel Data Exchange (TIDE) platform.
  • Use TIDE to customize the data format for integration into the AWS Route 53 DNS Firewall

Key Benefits

Infoblox DDI for Amazon Web Services

  • Simplified DNS and IP Address Management across Amazon EC2, Private Clouds, and Traditional Networks – Consistently manage networks, IP addresses and DNS records with a virtual appliance option inside AWS. Have a unified console that supports all platforms and ensures a uniform policy of DNS naming conventions and network/IP address provisioning across clouds
  • More Agile and Faster Cloud Provisioning – Shorten the time needed to provision new workload instances in Amazon EC2 environments
  • Automated Discovery, Visibility, and Compliance Auditing – Automatic discovery and visibility of VPCs and EC2 instances, makes it easy to bring public cloud assets under common DNS and IP address management. Detailed auditing of DNS and IP address information for AWS resources across networks and geographic regions simplifies compliance reporting and ensures complete visibility
  • Flexible Deployment Options and High Availability – Enable a wide variety of deployment options, including high availability failover between AWS and on-premises appliances

Infoblox BloxOne DDI

  • Optimization for SaaS & Cloud Applications – Provides local DDI services to ensure DNS services access the closest geographical PoP, vastly improving the end-user experience
  • Local Survivability through Direct Internet Access (DIA) – Remote sites are no longer dependent on data centers for DDI services, so services are unaffected if connectivity is lost
  • Right-Sized & Hybrid Solution Options – A flexible and customizable cloud-managed solution to achieve the right level of services for every location

Infoblox BloxOne Threat Defense

  • Optimal Security and performance – Uplift the effectiveness of your existing security stack by routing Amazon VPC DNS traffic to BloxOne Threat Defense to effectively protect the VPC while minimizing the need for additional security investments by maximizing the effectiveness of your existing tools
  • Threat Detection and Response – BloxOne Threat Defense analyzes DNS queries to detect and block malware C&C communications, DNS-based data exfiltration, phishing, ransomware and advanced threats such as domain generation algorithms (DGAs) and lookalike domains

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