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Infoblox’s BloxOne® Threat Defense Catches Security Blindspots Missed by the Competition

BloxOne Threat Defense tops Tolly DNS security test

Santa Clara, Calif. — November 4, 2020 — Infoblox Inc., the leader in Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services, today announced the results of a Tolly Group test that found the BloxOne Threat Defense secure DNS solution is more secure and effective than the competition. BloxOne Threat Defense also provides more threat intelligence integrations, leading to easier threat hunting than the competing solution.

Tolly tested BloxOne Threat Defense and a competitor across real-world scenarios and recorded the results for each. The results showed that BloxOne Threat Defense:

  • Blocked DNS-based data exfiltration attacks better, as well as the exfiltration of credit card data from point-of-sale (PoS) terminals. While the other solution was only able to block hard-coded versions of DNS attacks and failed to detect the exfiltration of credit card data;
  • Blocked 6 zero day local specific phishing sites that the other solution missed;
  • More effectively prevented malware from being installed, by blocking access to malicious servers, and detecting and stopping the infiltration of malicious data via DNS better than competition;
  • Made threat response teams more effective with a more intuitive user interface, more useful threat indicators, greater context on threats, and a broader ecosystem with which it can integrate and share threat intelligence.

“DNS is a powerful tool for protecting an organization’s network and should be a critical part of any organization’s cybersecurity strategy,” says Craig Sanderson, Vice President of Security Products, Infoblox. “The accelerating shift to the cloud is driving organizations to adopt solutions that respond to the security challenges posed by hybrid, multi-cloud networks. As malicious actors evolve their use of DNS, as we saw in the healthcare ransomware attacks that CISA highlighted, organizations need more context aware security and automation to keep up.”

“With its superior ease of use, richer threat intelligence, and greater integrations with other security products, BloxOne Threat Defense is the clear choice for providing foundational protection to the modern workforce, wherever they are located,” Sanderson explained. “The results validate our work delivering security that’s simple to use and effective from Day Zero.”

To conduct the study, Tolly created several scenarios that replicated real-world situations including a PoS terminal infected with malware, malware infiltration and an attempted data exfiltration over DNS, which would typically occur after infection. They then compared how BloxOne Threat Defense and the competing solution performed across a number of variables. BloxOne Threat Defense stood out for its ability to not only detect and block these attacks, but to provide fuller visibility into the network environment, deliver greater contextual data to security teams, and automate the sharing of actionable intelligence through its many ecosystem integrations, making incident detection and response more effective, efficient, and comprehensive.

About Infoblox
Infoblox delivers the next level network experience with its Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services. As the pioneer in providing the world’s most reliable, secure and automated networks, we are relentless in our pursuit of next level network simplicity. A recognized industry leader, Infoblox has more than 8,000 customers, including 350 of the Fortune 500.

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