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Infoblox Unveils Customer Momentum for BloxOne Threat Defense as Remote Work and Learning Surge

The company grows its security customer footprint and gains additional industry recognition

Santa Clara, CA – June 17, 2020 — Infoblox Inc., the leader in Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services, today announces that Morgan School District and railway operator Keio Corporation are now using BloxOne Threat Defense to secure their networks, applications, and user devices wherever they are. These customers illustrate the demand for scalable, simple, and foundational security, which cloud-based DNS inherently provides, to protect today’s increasingly decentralized corporate network.

“Companies large and small are turning to cloud-based networks and services more than ever before, often stitching them onto what used to be a purely on-premises network,” says Jesper Andersen, CEO of Infoblox. “As enterprises become more distributed and borderless, they need security to stretch across the entire infrastructure to protect users wherever they are. Our BloxOne Threat Defense uses cloud-native DNS at the core of the network to simplify and extend security across the hybrid stack.”

“Cloud-managed DNS security platforms provide a robust, scalable, and secure platform for protecting any enterprise network, no matter the size or the origination of the traffic,” says Brandon Butler, Senior Research Analyst of Enterprise Networks at IDC. “Enterprises that embrace these next-generation security best practices will ensure their networks are able to securely scale to meet the needs of their digitally transforming business.”

School districts in particular have seen a pressing need for solutions that extend network security to remote users, as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions of students to learn from home. The Morgan School District chose BloxOne Threat Defense after searching for a cloud-delivered solution that unified the district’s cybersecurity posture and reduced false positives. BloxOne Threat Defense gives the district a central point for enforcing malware policies for all issued devices regardless of a student’s location.

“Once our schools were shut down, we immediately began issuing Chromebooks to families,” says Ven Savage, Network Operations Manager for the district in Morgan, Utah. “We went from issuing zero take home devices to issuing 750 devices in just three days.” Since the pandemic, “category based filtering has remained our primary challenge. Data privacy laws require school devices to filter the exact same way no matter where students are using them.”

With BloxOne Threat Defense, “I set up our filtering to happen at the DNS level, which is different from other solutions,” says Savage. “It’s more effective and successful at eliminating false positives. We used to have false positives 8-10 times per day. Now, my team has dealt with only one false positive in six months since we implemented BloxOne. We had that one fixed in about five minutes.”

Keio Corporation, a Japanese railroad operator, selected BloxOne Threat Defense to secure 6,000 computers on the company’s network. The company chose Infoblox security to more accurately identify and mitigate threats, including SEO poisoning attacks and the Emotet malware that previously went undetected.

“There have been an increasing number of new web-based threats that have been difficult to address with a traditional cybersecurity solution alone,” says Kenichi Sato, Group IT Officer-in-Charge in the IT Department at Keio. “It became necessary to build a more multi-layered defense.”

“Since Infoblox offers a cloud-based cybersecurity service, it is easy to deploy to every other company within the Keio Group,” says Hiroko Tamura, Group IT Management Officer-in-Charge at Keio. “It can also flexibly support the addition of new functions and minimize the hardware maintenance and operations costs associated with an on-premises solution.”

Led by BloxOne Threat Defense’s robust growth and customer adoption, Infoblox has quickly earned recognition as a network security leader. Forbes and The Software Report respectively named Infoblox one of the Top 10 Cybersecurity Companies to Watch in 2020 and one of the Top 25 Cybersecurity Companies of 2019. Additionally, the 2020 Fortress Cyber Security Award recognized BloxOne Threat Defense as a winner in the Enterprise Network Security category for extending DNS based protection to multiple clouds and to the edge.

“These awards and the growth in demand for BloxOne Threat Defense show the strong reception for our cloud-native DNS security solution across healthcare, financial services, government, technology, and other mission critical sectors,” says Jesper Andersen. “We expect BloxOne Threat Defense adoption to continue as organizations around the world invest in securing remote work and learning for the long haul. On top of building faster and scaling costs as needed, going cloud-first allows organizations to quickly and easily extend and secure their networks for users wherever they work.”

About Infoblox
Infoblox delivers the next level network experience with its Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services. As the pioneer in providing the world’s most reliable, secure and automated networks, we are relentless in our pursuit of next level network simplicity. Infoblox has over 8,000 customers, including 350 of the Fortune 500, and is recognized as the industry leader in the DDI networking market.

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