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Discovering Visibility You Didn’t Know You Had or Even Needed

ThreatTalk season 2 episode 15

Zero Trust Networking is typically discussed in the context of users or devices connecting to the network. But what about the devices that are already there? Security monitoring needs to include all aspects of the network, as well as the devices and users connected to it.

Check out this week’s ThreatTalk podcast with host Bob Hansmann and his guest, veteran networking technology expert Bob Rose of Infoblox, as they examine the security risks and benefits to be found in seldom discussed areas of networking. Learn about the tools for monitoring, managing, and automating security measures for these foundational areas of modern networks.

Bob Hansmann, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Infoblox

Infoblox Sr. Product Marketing Manager Bob Hansmann will be hosting Threat Talk Season 2. Bob has been at the bleeding edge of cybersecurity since the early days when firewall and desktop antivirus were the only solutions available. His background as a developer, researcher, product architect, product manager, and product marketer is ideal for extracting interesting details from our guests on the strategic, tactical, or technical aspects of cybersecurity.

Bob Rose, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, DDI & Value-Added Services, Infoblox

Bob listens to customers and understands the challenges of modern mid-to large-size enterprises. Drawing from over 30 years of product marketing and management in core networking, robotic process automation (RPA), fintech, wireless and mobile apps, GIS, biometrics, financial services and healthcare, he combines strategy and tactics into a pragmatic view to advocate for and best serve customers.

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