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Infoblox Partners with McAfee for Unified Security

Combines the Power of Web and DNS Security for Broader Protection and Holistic Visibility

MCAFEE MPOWER – LAS VEGAS—October 18, 2017—Infoblox Inc., the network control company that provides Actionable Network Intelligence, today announced it is partnering with McAfee to improve the security of a customer’s network by combining the power of web and Domain Name System (DNS) security to deliver unified security. The Infoblox and McAfee solution enables sharing of threat intelligence and security event information to deliver comprehensive protection and faster incident response.

Today, 91 percent of malware uses DNS to carry out malicious campaigns and the longer it takes to discover, the higher the cost of damage. Furthermore, the various security tools that organizations have today work in silos. Traditional security tools do not address DNS security, thereby creating a security gap often exploited by malicious actors to inject and propagate malware inside the network and to exfiltrate valuable data out of the enterprise.

A recent Gartner report entitled, “Competitive Landscape: Secure Web Gateways” noted emerging trends, including Secure Web Gateway blocking and threat defense coupled with DNS services.
“By coupling DNS with SWG web proxying, SWG service providers can widen their basic threat prevention and filtering capabilities beyond just HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. Technology strategic planners should seek ways to leverage both DNS and proxy-based inspection methods in order to compete with this new emerging complementary capability to appropriately protect against advanced threats and improve SaaS performance.”

The Infoblox McAfee joint solution combines a best in class DNS security solution with a leading secure web gateway solution to deliver comprehensive network security for web and non-web traffic. The Infoblox ActiveTrust® Cloud solution provides comprehensive DNS security and flags potentially infected devices that can then be redirected to McAfee’s Web Gateway Cloud Service for deeper content inspection including malware scanning and SSL inspection.

Another challenge facing organizations are siloed security solutions. Lack of interoperability and inability to share threat intelligence across security solutions inhibits an organization’s capability to respond effectively to ever-increasing amount of attacks. The joint Infoblox and McAfee solution addresses these challenges by automating data sharing between Infoblox DNS security, and McAfee Endpoint and Web Security offerings.

The joint Infoblox and McAfee solution includes the following product integrations:

  • Infoblox ActiveTrust Cloud with McAfee Web Gateway Cloud Service – unifies DNS and web security for detection and blocking of malicious traffic and data exfiltration from infected devices.
  • Infoblox DDI and ActiveTrust with McAfee Data Exchange Layer and McAfee® ePolicy Orchestrator® – enables ecosystem solutions that subscribe to DXL topics to take action on network and security events detected by Infoblox and contain threats faster
  • Infoblox DDI and ActiveTrust with McAfee® Enterprise Security Manager – allows for comprehensive threat data correlation and detection. Infoblox also shares valuable network context and actionable intelligence to help assess risk and prioritize alerts in order to enable more efficient incident response

“A key goal behind the McAfee Security Innovation Alliance program is to accelerate the development of interoperable security products and break down security silos within the customer environment,” said D.J. Long, head of McAfee Security Innovation Alliance. “The joint integration between McAfee and Infoblox enriches a customer’s network with the ability to provide protection for non-web protocols via DNS while improving the visibility into web traffic and enabling customers to use threat intelligence to more effectively respond to the ever-increasing amount of attacks.”

As a member of the McAfee Security Innovation Alliance, Infoblox plays a critical role in the program’s mission to accelerate the development of interoperable security products and to simplify the integration of these products within complex customer environments, bringing better value and more protection against the growing threat landscape to joint customers. Through this partnership, Infoblox and McAfee address a rising industry need to shorten response times from security events and more easily remediate compromised systems, leading to a simplified Threat Defense Lifecycle.

“By bringing together McAfee, a leader in cyber security, and Infoblox, the leader in DDI, we are breaking down the silos between security operations and network operations,” said Kanaiya Vasani, vice president of business development at Infoblox. “The integrated solution from Infoblox and McAfee provides visibility into DNS and web traffic, plugs the DNS security gap in organizations, automates data sharing, and enables automated workflows to quickly remediate threats.”

Infoblox is a sponsor of the 10th annual McAfee MPOWER Cybersecurity Summit taking place in Las Vegas, October 17-19. Attendees who come to the Infoblox booth #302 will see a live demo of the joint Infoblox and McAfee solution. Infoblox was also recognized by McAfee as the Most Innovative Partner of the Year at the MPOWER DevCon Awards 2017.

1 Gartner Inc, Competitive Landscape: Secure Web Gateways, by Lawrence Pingree & Ruggero Contu, September 12, 2017

About Infoblox

Infoblox delivers Actionable Network Intelligence to enterprise, government, and service provider customers around the world. As the industry leader in DNS, DHCP, and IP address management, the category known as DDI, Infoblox ( provides control and security from the core—empowering thousands of organizations to increase efficiency and visibility, reduce risk, and improve customer experience. 

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