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IPv6 Evangelist Owen DeLong Joins Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence Technical Advisory Board

Infoblox Inc. today announced that Owen DeLong, a well-established IPv6 Evangelist from Hurricane Electric, has joined the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence (CoE) Technical Advisory Board.

The Infoblox IPv6 CoE is designed to meet the growing demand by IT departments worldwide for expert IPv6 tutorials, resources, guidance, training and best practices. As a Technical Advisory Board member, DeLong will play a significant part in helping develop and ensure all IPv6 tutorials, training and materials provided through the IPv6 CoE are comprehensive and accurate.

In addition to his role as IPv6 Evangelist at Hurricane Electric, a world-leading IPv6-native Internet backbone and colocation provider, DeLong has over 20 years of experience in TCP/IP networking and systems administration and is a member of the ARIN Advisory Council.

As the IPv6 Evangelist and resident expert at Hurricane Electric, which first deployed IPv6 on its global backbone in 2001 and now operates the largest IPv6 Internet backbone in the world, DeLong has seen firsthand many of the challenges associated with migrating to the new IP address schema. He brings to the Infoblox IPv6 CoE Technical Advisory Board an expert perspective learned from many trials, errors and successes.

Cricket Liu, Vice President and General Manager of the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence (CoE), commented: “We are thrilled to welcome Owen to our Technical Advisory Board. His years of experience working with network operators directly on so many IPv6 installations brings a wealth of expertise to the resources we plan to develop and offer.”

DeLong commented: “I have seen the adoption of IPv6 since the very first trials and firmly believe that with the proper education and planning, many can perform a painless and successful transition to IPv6. The Infoblox IPv6 CoE will be instrumental to helping organizations access the necessary materials to do this and I am proud to be a part of it.”

Inevitable IPv6 Transition Drives Growing Need for Guidance

As the global supply of IPv4 addresses continues to dwindle, organizations will need to support the exploding number of IPv6-enabled devices that will connect to their network, whether a laptop, mobile phone, printer, scanner or tablet. Not having an IP address is the equivalent of having a phone without a phone number, which is why there is a critical need for enterprises to evaluate, prepare and begin the network migration process today.

However, many IT departments are facing significant education, planning and implementation challenges to successfully perform their IPv6 network migration. This is evidenced by recent survey results indicating that 80% of the participants feel they need more education before beginning an IPv6 migration.

In response, the Infoblox IPv6 CoE is designed to serve as the single most comprehensive and trusted source for IPv6-related standards body updates, conference updates, technical materials, consulting references, white papers, training and deployment guides.

For more information about the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence, visit:

About Infoblox

Infoblox is an industry leading developer of network infrastructure automation and control solutions. Infoblox’s unique technologies, including the Infoblox Grid™—a real-time, data distribution technology—increase network availability and control, while automating time-consuming manual tasks associated with network infrastructure services like domain name resolution (DNS), IP address management (IPAM), network change and configuration management (NCCM) and network discovery, among others. Infoblox IPv6-ready solutions are used by over 4,750 organizations worldwide, including more than one third of the Fortune 500. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and operates in more than 30 countries.

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